The Unidentified by Rae Mariz 4 stars

This was a book that I randomly grabbed for my Kindle when it was on sale for 99 cents. Talk about being pleasantly surprised. I didn’t know anything about it and it ended up being really good. It’s another in the Dystopian genre, though it’s not as life and death epic as most of them. I’m going to call it every day Dystopia.

The main character, Kid, goes to school in the future where the government has ceased funding schools and they are instead run by companies who monitor the kids to see what the trends are. Kids who do better socially tend to get sponsored by various companies, making their school lives much better. This book is the story of what happens when the teens decide they’re tired of letting the sponsors decide everything for them.

Kid’s a fun character. She’s not exactly an outcast, but she doesn’t look like someone who’s going to be sponsored anytime soon. She’s pretty much okay with that, she just wants to make music and get by. She’s also super smart and the only one who really notices when a group calling themselves, ‘The Unidentified’ perform a mock suicide. While the rest of the students just brush it off as nothing, she digs, trying to figure out who was behind it. Ironically this is what gains her the attention of sponsors.

Sponsorship effects every aspect of her school live. Between the drama between her and her friends when her status is elevated, and the mystery of the unidentified, the second half of the book reads quick and is very hard to put down. It even had a few twists I didn’t see coming.

If you get a chance, check this one out.

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