All posts by Samantha Boyette


The Book of Lost Things

The dedication of The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly reads “For in every adult dwells the child that was, and in every child lies the adult that will be.” Nothing could better describe this dark fairy tale, a coming of age story about a boy named David. When his mother dies, she leaves her love of books with him. He transfers all the love he had for her into the books she left behind. As World War II begins, David’s father remarries and has a new son, leaving David feeling betrayed and sending him deeper into his books. Soon the lines between reality and fantasy begin to fade and David finds himself trapped in another world and unable to find his way home.

Like many lonely children, he is at first excited to find himself in a new world, but he quickly learns this world is just as violent and unfriendly as the one he left behind. Talking wolves who walk on two legs hunt David as he makes his way through the land trying to find his way home. Making friends along the way, David quickly learns that no one’s life is perfect and we all have our sorrows to bear. In the end he must find the King, a man who’s lost control of his own land, if he ever hopes to return to the life he left behind, a life he misses more every day he is away from it.

Told through the eyes of a boy as he starts to become a man, David’s change from a sad, selfish boy to a brave, selfless boy is subtle and believable. This book is hard to put down once you get started. While the overarching story is engaging and easy to read, some of the best parts are the tales others tell David. These appear as short fairy tales within the book, and are reflections of the fairy tales we all know, but twisted and dark the way the Grimm brothers might have first told them.

The Book Of Lost Things is one of the few books I’ve read that I consider a fairy tale for adults and I highly recommend it. If you can think of others I should try, please let me know in the comments, because I’m always looking for similar books!


I am Number Four

Below is a post of mine that appears here:

About a month ago I listened to the audio book of I am Number Four, and I rented the movie last night. Usually I don’t like to read a book and watch the movie so close together, but I did this time for comparison purposes. Let’s just say I feel like this movie should have been marketed as ‘loosely based on the book’.

The short rundown of both the book and the movie is this: Teenage alien boy fled from his planet with a guardian and eight other kids when he was little. Now they all live on earth, but not together, and they’ve been hiding from the Mogadorians, who are trying to kill them. They have to be killed in order, though they don’t explain why in the movie. John Smith is number four, and he is next in line to be killed.

The book dives deep into the how and the why of the Mogadorian’s attack on John’s home planet and the escape of the others and John. It also dives deep into John’s powers and how hard he has to work to gain them, and how hard it is to come out as an alien to your friends (even when one of them is a crazy UFO junkie). Everything just seems to flow too easily for John in the movie. There is also little development of relationships aside from the one between John and his love interest, so I didn’t really care when people were in danger.

I’ll admit the book was a little slow for its subject matter, about halfway through you start wondering if this really is a book about aliens. However, all that slowness gave it much more depth, and gave the reader more insight into what was really going on. The movie skips all that, and jumps around through the plot to hit all the key points that progress the story. Unfortunately, it feels like that is all they’re doing. It also really bothered me that they pronounced things differently in the movie than they did in the audi0book, I would have preferred consistency.

In short: read the book, skip the movie. The people I watched the movie with had no knowledge of the book, and they didn’t have much good to say about the movie either. The special effects were cool, but they didn’t even give John the main power he has in the book. Overall, I’d rather watch Jennifer’s Body again.


Spring? Is that you?

It seems like spring might have finally arrived in my little piece of the world, so I’m taking advantage of the weather and editing on the porch swing. Ahhh, life is good.

Just finished a new draft of Prime, adding in a little extra emotional turmoil for main character, hopefully that will be the last one and it will be on it’s way to being shopped around! In the meantime, I shared another book with the Sci Fi Saturday Night crew and they posted a nice review here:

Other than that, I’ve just been editing a dozen different things, and sending out some short stories, hopefully there will be some news on those soon!